Micro Fishing Hooks
The Art of Micro Fishing is happy to announce the release of the 1-2-3 Micro Fishing Snelled Hook packet!
There are THREE sizes of hooks included in each pack. Each tiny hook is pre snelled on a 30cm 2lb leader! No more fumbling with tiny hooks or short leaders. Simply attach to the fishing rod tip, bait, and get straight to fishing!
These hooks are in the same design as the very successful Aldridge #1 size 30 pre snelled that we already sell on this site!
“Tanago hooks”, you say? We say not so fast. Micro fishing is all about the hook. Darters, Shiners, and Dace all have small mouths but there are more than just one tiny fish like the Japanese Tanago aka Bitterling. This pre-tied snelled fish hook kit rounds out the best chances for you to catch the smallest micro fish on the smallest hook you can. Anywhere!
- 4 Size #30 Snelled Hooks
- 3 Size #26 Snelled Hooks
- 3 Size #24 Snelled Hooks
These high carbon steel hooks are so small they have to have a flat straight eye that has to be snelled. The hook point is sharper than a needle. The barb is just enough to keep wriggling tiny little fish hooked but gentle enough to release unharmed. The leader is 2 lb supple tinted monofilament and is 30cm long, unlike other thread tied short rigs.
What is Micro Fishing?
Micro fishing has been around for quite some time. Micro fishing has started to gain popularity outside of Japan. Tanago fishing in Japan is where the beginning of micro fishing started. Anglers tried to catch the smallest Tanago which is a member of the carp family.
During our testing phase, we caught 35 species of fish ranging from under an inch in length to around 7 inches.
The Art of Micro Fishing decided to approach micro fishing hooks without concentrating on the Tanago aka Tokyo Bitterling (Tanakia tanago). Fly fishing has some hooks that are commonly used but even these are less than ideal and must be tied to a line. We gathered all the data we could and created the 1-2-3 Micro Fish Pack and the Aldridge #1 Snelled Micro Hooks.
Tim and I started looking at hook designs for predominately North American species fresh and salt. There are literally thousands of fish species in North America so it didn’t make sense for us to design Tanago snelled hooks solely for a tiny little carp in Japan. It made sense to build a snelled fishing hook for all small fish.
The smallest hooks seem like the best answer but fish like Darters, dwarf sunfish, and gobies have larger mouths. We wanted to use and offer an assortment of micro fishing hook sizes. So we made it happen.
Micro Fishers Focus On The Species Not Large Size
Micro fishing is usually about focusing on catching new species. Most of the world’s fish species are smaller species. Lifelisting is also catching on and anglers are looking to catching smaller fish to gain more entries in their angling ‘Caught on Hook and Line” list. Micro fishing is a great way to add different species when anglers have most of the larger fish in their list already.
It makes sense to match your micro fishing gear to your target. Regular fishing tackle can often be used, even panfish gear, but for the smallest fish, you need a specialized hook. Our small hooks have been tested by real-world micro fishing anglers with hundreds and hundreds of species under their belt!
Fish of a Lifetime
The fish of a lifetime is waiting for you. Catching the smallest fish species on the smallest hooks will also give you an advantage when macro angling. Baitfish are often caught and used for fishing bait when trout or bass fishing. However, understanding the fauna that larger predatory fish eat can help guide lure selection. The more you know the more you catch! Micro fishing can help you attain higher catch rates and larger individual fish when you understand the food chain and the biotope. This applies to small creeks, big rivers, ponds, or oceans!
Is micro-fishing the same as Tanago and Tenkara fishing?
Micro fishing is taking off in the United States. The biggest question we see at The Art of Micro Fishing is what fishing tackle, fishing line, and fishing hooks to use. Often Tanago and Tenkara tackle is recommended on our blog questions and groups. It is useful but it was not designed for global fish species and conditions.
Tanago and Tenkara fishing has a selection of micro fishing gear that is suitable for micro fishing but it is centered around a very specific niche. Tanago and Tenkara rods and tackle are not designed with a wide range of fish species in mind. This is why it is called Tanago and Tenkara. Tenkara is small mountain stream trout fishing with a fixed-line fly rod. Tanago and Tenkara hooks are designed and marketed for tiny mountain stream flyfishing for trout and Tokyo Bitterling.
Aldridge #1 size 30 micro fishing hooks and the 1 2 3 Micro Fishing Hook Kit is ideal for micro fishing for a wide variety of fish species. If you are looking for a quality micro hook that is versatile then look no further! Get started with a pack or two of The Art of Micro Fishing hooks and a couple of other accessories. It’s that simple!
Tenkara rods are not needed for micro fishing. They are more expensive and have a specific action design for mountain stream trout fishing flies. In our extensive fishing experience, both Tim and I prefer a 10 to 12-foot telescopic fishing rod. Longer rods or shorter rods can be used and it is personal preference and you don’t need a reel. We both prefer shorter rods as they are less tiresome to hold all day. Most importantly, find a good place that holds micro fish and get the bait to it.
A telescopic rod can be opened as little or as long as needed. I prefer a short leader so that I have more accuracy around weed beds and heavy structure. A Lillian loop or a bead type lock is a dream to tie snelled hooks to. Very light rod actions can be beneficial but are not necessary. A telescopic rod designed for bream and panfishing can be very productive.
Fishing line used for micro fishing is usually 1 or 2 lbs of monofilament. PE or braid is too thick and is not manufactured in a size suitable for micro fishing leaders. This is why a thread is often seen in some of the other brands of the smallest hooks available. We have tested all types of leader material and the best and most effective is the monofilament leaders we made available on our hook packs. It is very fine, supple, and has a natural bait presentation whether you are using worms, maggots, or dough bait for micro fishing.
Fishing Hook Sizes Included in Each 1 2 3 Micro Pack
- 4 Size #30 Snelled Hooks
- 3 Size #26 Snelled Hooks
- 3 Size #24 Snelled Hooks
Fishing Hook Anatomy
Hooks only have a few parts to them. The eye is where the line attaches. Since our hooks are so small they have a flat spade eye which is sometimes referred to as a straight eye. The only way to tie such a tiny hook is with the spade and a snell knot.
The hook bend is an important part of hook design. The hook bend applies mechanical force and directs it through the monofilament to keep it in place. Some of the micro hooks available on the market have a very modified barb to make it shorter and smaller. It, however, is prone to coming out when fish shake and wiggle. Tim and I tested a lot of hook shapes and through our decades of heavy fishing decided on the most effective all-around hook bend shape.
Barbs are often a center of attention. Many micro anglers are catch and release or catch fish for the aquarium. The barb shape and length on the Aldridge hook shape is firm, but not overkill.
Netting is more stressful to small fish than being hooked with a micro fishing hook. Netting micro fish destroys habitat, piles fish into clumps of mud and debris, and can damage scales very easily. The barb on the Aldridge holds firm but comes out with little or no damage. Tim and I both have aquarium fish that have been caught on hook and line and have done so with very low mortality.
What Baits Do I Use to Catch Micro Fish?
Bait for micro fishing is almost as varied as there are fish species. One of the most productive baits, though, are tiny bits of earthworms. The best way to bait your micro hook is with the Tim Aldridge Worm Baiting Method. Dough baits are a very popular bait made with flour, oil, and cheese. Shrimp and mussels are a productive saltwater micro fishing bait. Try to match your bait to your target species and you will have better results.
Buy at Least a Pack of The Art of Micro Fishing Hooks! You Will Love Them as Much as We Do!
Why should you use The Art of Micro Fishing micro hooks? Because they work and have been tested by the best micro anglers all over the world. Accept no substitutes! These are superior hooks in quality and performance. Each hook is hand-tied and tested before being placed in the pack! Super sharp hooks and supple leaders make this a perfect tool to add micro fish to your aquarium or life list!
Ships from Balgowlah, NSW Australia.
Shipping within Australia 7 -10 days
Shipping to North America 2 to 4 weeks
Shipping to Europe 2 to 4 weeks
Shipping to Asia 12 to 4 weeks
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